Peace Museum Nepal is dedicated to promoting peace and social justice through creativity, arts, innovation, cross-cultural dialogue and environmentalism.This is achieved by means of workshops, publications, projects, conferences, exhibitions and virtual activities by which we carry the message of peace into daily life.

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Peace Hero

We exhibit the information and biography of peace activists who works good for humanity. We choose social singularity and recognize them as a Peace Hero internationally. And also we organize many peace and creative activities to spread the message of peace and harmony to the world.

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Envision Peace



Dr. Peter van den Dungen

In our increasingly small, fragile and interdependent world the need to live together peacefully and non-violently is a condition of survival. Yet, the culture of war and violence is still widespread, causing untold death and destruction. In virtually all societies, the military continue to be regarded as the defenders of peace and prosperity, of freedom and justice, whereas the opposite is often the case. Bloody battles and wars are still the mainstay of history teaching, and glory and heroism continue to be largely associated with them. Countless public monuments and museums reinforce the traditional views.

That there is another, more enlightened and hopeful view of history, is not taught, and not on view. The inspiring and encouraging teachings and lives of peace heroes such as Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela show the power of nonviolence, and the wisdom of the view that ‘there is no way to peace, peace is the way’. Peace museums are ideal instruments to educate a wide public in the necessities and practicalities of non-violent conflict resolution, whether at home, in the community, or globally. Peace museums inform and inspire visitors that there is another way. I am delighted that the Peace Museum Nepal in Kathmandu is dedicated to spreading this vital message.